

《目からウロコの英文法》〜だと言われている & be supposed toの用法



わたしが普段英語の勉強をするときに使っているテキストで〝English Grammar in Use〟という文法書があるのですが、これを読んでいると「そういう使いかたできるんだ!」と目からウロコの連続なので、自分の忘備録を兼ねて学んだことをまとめたいと思います。











1)It is said that 〜:Itを主語にした定型文

  • It is said that he is 108 years old.

2)A is said to 〜:A(主語)が受け身の形になる

  • He is said to be 108 years old.

どちらの文章も〝People say that he is 108 years old〟を意味する。



  • alleged(主張する)
  • believed
  • considered 
  • expected
  • known
  • reported
  • thought
  • understood


  • It is believed that the boy is wearing a white sweater. / The boy is believed to be wearing a white sweater.
  • It is expected that the strike will end soon. / The strike is expected to end soon.(そのストライキはじきに終わると予想される)
  • A friend of mine has been arrested. It is alleged that he hit a policeman. / He is alleged to have hit a policeman. ※過去の話は〝have+現在分詞〟で表す。
  • It is said that there is a secret tunnel between the two houses. /  There is said to be a secret tunnel between the two houses. ※there isの文型



  • It is reported that two people were injured in the explosion. / Two people are reported to have been injured in the explosion.


●〝することになっている〟だけではない:be supposed to〜 

 1)= It is said to(〜と言われている)

  • I want to see that film. lt's supposed to be good.(= it is said to be good)
  • Fireworks are supposed to have been invented in China. Is it true?

 2)= What is intend / arranged / expected(〜するつもり・の予定・と予想される)

  • The plan is supposed to be a secret, but everybody seems to know about it. (=The plan is intended to be a secret)
  • What are you doing work? You're supposed to be on holiday. (=You arranged to be on holiday)
  • Jane was supposed to phone me last night, but she didn't.

3)You are not supposed to do something = It is not allowed or advisable.(〜してはいけない・しないほうが懸命)

  • You're not supposed to park your car here.



